MIRR20 - Mirror stores inside closet space and pulls out on superior glide pull mechanism . Measures 18 x 36 inches
MIRR20 - Mirror stores inside closet space and pulls out on superior glide pull mechanism . Measures 18 x 36 inches
You have 7 days from receipt to inspect your order for accuracy and defects. If you are not satisfied with your purchase, please call Hardware Décor at 877-727-9747 for a Return Material Authorization (RMA) request within 30 calendar days of the receipt of the product. You may also use our Contact Us Form.
You must return the product to the address specified in your RMA within 14 calendar days of the issuance of the RMA.Â
Customized products are not eligible for return or refund.
All products must be packed in the original packaging including any parts or accessories that shipped with the product. Hardware Décor MAY assess a 25% restocking fee on any returned merchandise in original condition. Items returned damaged or with missing parts are not eligible for full refunds. Hardware Décor will not assume shipping charges for the return of products and materials. You may ship orders back the cheapest, most convenient way for you.Â
Please note: Some products include many small parts. It is very important that all parts and pieces of any merchandise are returned in original condition. Items that are returned incomplete are not eligible for refunds!
If you’re not totally satisfied with your shipment, we’re happy to replace it or accept a return of the merchandise if it meets the following criteria:
Please carefully inspect your shipment. If the package is delivered by UPS , Fedex and it appears that the contents may have been damaged, refuse to accept the delivery; the damage will be noted by the driver.
If the package was left in your absence please contact us at 877-727-9747 and we can assist you in contacting your local carrier facility. Please save ALL packaging materials as we need a photograph to file a claim or to have the parcel shipped back to us as a part of the process.
Hardware decor isn’t responsible for any labor costs incurred as the result of the installation of wrong or defective parts. In addition, we’re not responsible for lost shipments or products damaged during shipment. Instead, you must file a lost shipment freight claim with the shipping company.
Note: Please allow up to 10 business days for your return to process from receipt of the returned merchandise.
If there has been an error in shipment on our part, we will absolutely make it right. Make sure you do not unnecessarily alter the packaging and get in touch with us so we can get another shipment ready for you and arrange for the return of the item you received.